Monday, June 21, 2010

Things keep bothering mE..

I can't sleep every night & ii dislike Night time. It makes me emotional everytime, when could ii stop?!! It's fraustrating!! During day time ii would make myself busy just hope tat night ii could sleep but useless. I would sleep or feel tired when ii really really lack of sleep or too many things to do lol.

There's sO much ii unhappy with & bothering me such as School Stuffs (Assignments, CA's, CCA & Exam), Working so to support myself financially. I have to worry & scared tat I'm unable to cope how & Next Month onwards my ITE move to Chua Chu Kang, sO far from my home. Wahhhh, have to wake up very early & my life will be totally dullness. *Sad** :( No more entertainment for me le & less time spent wif my friends, haix..

P.S: "Sorry to all dear friends but hope can stay contact as well. Do update mE u guys wat's u guys doing & if anything, do giv me a ring or msg. Go out have to inform me earlier so ii can make plans."

Most sadness things also will be if ii need help, who will be there for me?? If ii need a shoulder to cry, who will lend it to me?? If ii was to fall, who will lift me up?? I dare not hope for a relationship cOs I'm afraid of being hurt again & no confidence as well. I need a guardian angel who will understand wat am ii thinking, be there for me, as well as know how ii feel & what ii want. But ii think it won't happen to me. Although ii do hope for LOVE but I'm afraid as well. I feel so empty but ii do not wish to turn to anyone.

I know it's useless to dwell or think too much for the past for it's over and future for it yet to come but ii just caN't help it. I even thinking how could ii earn more money so ii can spend more instead of wanting to buy but consider & buy less. Haix. Proberly next year GST is increase again, up to 10%. Expenses is more. Wahh... Life is more stressful than ever before & if don work hard, haha can imagine d outcome.